API - User Typeahead Search

User Typeahead search

Another search option is to use the typeahead search endpoint: http://securelb.trackerproducts.com/api/users/typeahead?search=mike

This endpoint will search the following fields:

- First Name

- Middle Name

- Last Name

- Email

- Alias (this property is a part of the person record associated with a user)

Here is an example of using this endpoint:


will return an array of users along with a count of the users returned by the query in the following format:


"users": [


"id": 17663,

"text": " Mike Singleton (msingleton@trackerproducts.com)"



"usersCount": 1


Here is an example of searching by email address:


which returns the following:


"users": [


"id": 1,

"text": " Jack 3176D103FF Sparrow (jsparrow@trackerproducts.com)"



"id": 17663,

"text": " Mike Singleton (msingleton@trackerproducts.com)"



"id": 17664,

"text": " Victor Frankenstein (1msingleton@trackerproducts.com)"



"usersCount": 3
