API - Saved Searches
Saved Searches
All searches are done as POST requests to the API.
Search parameters are sent in the body of a request in a JSON format.
All search request bodies must contain a "StaticFields" array, an "OfficeIds" array, and also paging parameters properties "PageSize" and "PageNumber".
"OfficeIds" must be included in the request and allows a search to filter by Office.
As options, the request can also include "orderBy" which will be a field name and "orderByAsc" which can be either true or false.
Saved searches give you the ability to create searches and re-use those searches without having to recreate the search from scratch.
Search Criteria
The body of a search request must include a search criteria. These criteria Ids are used in the "searchCriteria" property of the request body. Saved Searches are a type of dropdown field. They use the following criteria:
- Equals, Not Equals, Select All
These criteria are represented as follows
"id": 0,
Not Equals
"id": 1,
Select All is the default and does not need to be specified in the search request body.
To show how the saved searches work, here is a basic case search for cases created in the last 30 days:
POST - https://securelb.trackerproducts.com/api/cases/search
"tags": [ ],
"IsSearchingInSublocations": false,
"DynamicFields": [ ],
"StaticFields": [
"typeId": 2,
"fieldName": "CreatedDate",
"searchCriteriasType": 2,
"searchCriterias": [ ],
"searchCriteria": 12,
"model": 30,
"toDate": "2020-06-09T04:00:00.000Z"
"typeId": 7,
"fieldName": "OfficeSelection",
"searchCriteriasType": 5,
"dropdownEntities": {
"entity": "offices"
"searchCriterias": [
"id": 0,
"selectedOffices": [ ],
"model": [ ],
"searchCriteria": 0
"officeIds": [
"orderBy": "CaseNumber",
"orderByAsc": false,
"PageSize": 25,
"peopleIds": [ ],
"PageNumber": 1,
"clientDate": "2020-06-09T20:11:28.651Z",
"clientTz": "America/New_York",
"timezoneOffset": 240,
"SavedSearchEntities": [ ]
To create a saved search, we will use the following endpoint:
POST - https://securelb.trackerproducts.com/api/savedSearches
The request should contain
Here is the body of the POST:
"name": "Cases Created In Last 30 Days",
"model": "cases",
"searchParameters": "
[ {
[ {
\"name\":\"Tracker Products - Local - 1 Office, LLC\",
\"name\":\"Tracker Products - Local - 231 Office\",
} ]
} ],
"isHistorySearch": false