API Example Create Person



The Safe system, for Persons, is built on the premise of a Unique Person. We want, if possible, to avoid having multiple people in the system that are actually the same person. Before submitting a new Person, you should check to see if that person is already in the system. See notes below for 'Duplicate Persons Detection'

Fields used in Post

Example JSON For Adding A Person




       "businessName":"Tracker Products",




       "alias":"Big Bob",





















       "line1":"1 Symphony Way",










Duplicate Person Detection

When submitting a Person via POST, we are doing a check for potential duplicate people in the system. We check the following fields to determine if a potential duplicate exists:

Driver's License

Business Name

Duplicate Name (FirstName LastName)

If when posting a Person that is considered a duplicate, you will get this response.

At this point you can do one of two things:

Person Post With Custom Form Data

When creating a new person in the system, a post can also include custom form data. Here is an example post of a person with a custom form: 

POST Person With Form Data

Add Person to Case after Submit

To Add the Person submitted to an Existing Case, take the ID returned in the Person Post and go to Attach Existing Person to Existing Case