SAFE Mobile App - Version 101, Released on 3/11/22
#12032 ⁃ Random Audit - Status Checkboxes and 'Include Items in Container'
#12038 ⁃ Separate sections for Checked In, Checked Out and Disposed Items on the Random Audit report
#12507 ⁃ Multiple Users and User Group(s) should be displayed on Case Officer(s) field, with an ability to set those
#12516 ⁃ Case Officer(s) is(are) not shown on linked Cases to Tasks
#12519 ⁃ Case Officer(s) and User Groups are not shown on Person view > Cases Involved tab
#12567 ⁃ User/User Group field in Tasks
#12606 ⁃ Task Due Date
Bug Fixes
#10265 ⁃ [Random Audits] 'Total Items in Report' count does not filter by selected category and/or location
#10485 ⁃ Can't choose an Expected Return Date past the current year
#11142 ⁃ Error when searching Cases
#11766 ⁃ Auto Assign Case Number Not Working
#11983 ⁃ Not all Items are returned when Scanning Storage Locations Barcodes
#12067 ⁃ Wrong validation applied for Case Number Formatting
#12068 ⁃ 'Return' button on iOS keyboard should not be active when Case Number field is wrong or Offense Type is not selected
#12160 ⁃ Error while scrolling the person history.
#12230 ⁃ The same User is shown in the Users dropdown when assigning a Task
#12231 ⁃ No search results with any criteria after 'clearing' the search parameters
#12393 ⁃ Case Officer is not displayed on the Case Search page
#12731 ⁃ Missing checkboxes for Checked Out and Disposed Items on the Random Audit Scanning Page